I found this all quite interesting, so I figured I would edit and do my updates in orange.
7/12 to 7/16> Best fertile time, BD every day to every other day during this time. (yep we did dtd during this)
7/17> O day, best day to have sex, especially for a boy!
7/18> 1DPO, best have sex again in case of a late O, again best for a boy baby (dtd this day too)
7/26> Implantation occurs (and this day but that wouldn't matter, lol)
7/27> Could experience Implantation spotting
7/28> Blood test would reveal hCG
7/31> AF due. Is she missing? TEST DAY!!!
* ok, so acording to this and the other information I read. Based on if I Oed on the 17th, like I was *scheduled* too and got pregnant I will have a girl, but if I Oed late I will have a boy! Interesting.
(btw this calculator goes on to say which days you should ahve sex to concieve which gender! soo funny. Maybe I should have checked this out in June, instead of when I am 9DPO, hahah)
Date | |
Estimated Due Date | April 8, 2012 |
Conception/Ovulation | July 17, 2011 |
Pregnancy Test | July 31, 2011 |
Baby's First Heartbeat | August 14, 2011 |
2nd Trimester Begins (Weeks 13-26) | October 2, 2011 |
3rd Trimester Begins (Weeks 27-40) | January 8, 2012 |
Quickening Begins (~16-24 Weeks) | Between October 23, 2011 and December 18, 2011 |
Viability (24 Weeks) | December 18, 2011 |
Pregnancy considered term if delivered | Between March 18, 2012 and April 22, 2012 |
Gender Ultrasound (~18-20 Weeks) | Between November 6, 2011 and November 20, 2011 |
Maternity | Starting around October 23, 2011 |
You will need maternity clothes for: Autumn, Winter and Spring |