Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 2011 Cycle Stats

Ok, so I figured, I would update this blog since I was doing my other blog and was posting how I shared the news with my other two children, and was getting all sappy.
I found this all quite interesting, so I figured I would edit and do my updates in orange.

7/12 to 7/16> Best fertile time, BD every day to every other day during this time.
(yep  we did dtd during this)
7/17> O day, best day to have sex, especially for a boy!
7/18> 1DPO, best have sex again in case of a late O, again best for a boy baby (dtd this day too)
7/26> Implantation occurs
(and this day but that wouldn't matter, lol)
7/27> Could experience Implantation spotting
7/28> Blood test would reveal hCG
7/31> AF due. Is she missing? TEST DAY!!!
* ok, so acording to this and the other information I read. Based on if I Oed on the 17th, like I was *scheduled* too and got pregnant I will have a girl, but if I Oed late I will have a boy! Interesting.

(btw this calculator goes on to say which days you should ahve sex to concieve which gender! soo funny. Maybe I should have checked this out in June, instead of when I am 9DPO, hahah) 


Estimated Due DateApril 8, 2012
Conception/OvulationJuly 17, 2011
Pregnancy TestJuly 31, 2011
Baby's First Heartbeat August 14, 2011
2nd Trimester Begins (Weeks 13-26)October 2, 2011
3rd Trimester Begins (Weeks 27-40)January 8, 2012
Quickening Begins (~16-24 Weeks) Between October 23, 2011 and December 18, 2011
Viability (24 Weeks) December 18, 2011
Pregnancy considered term if deliveredBetween March 18, 2012 and April 22, 2012
Gender Ultrasound (~18-20 Weeks) Between November 6, 2011 and November 20, 2011
MaternityStarting around October 23, 2011
You will need maternity clothes for:
Autumn, Winter and Spring

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Saw red this afternoon.
I just felt my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. I don't know why it's hitting me SO hard. I didn't cry or breakdown. I just felt like "it's not fair". I wanted this. I wanted this more than I knew. I felt a twinge of something this am when I took my final test and saw that BFN. But I still clung to hope. Not over at that point right? Is it even over now? I have had the same pad on from 3pm-1am now. got a streak of blood. So weird.

OK, so I'm not pregnant. I will just have to accept that. Toying with all the "what-ifs" were great fun, but now it's over. . No matter had badly I want one. I know logically I need to wait until timing is better. I am beyond blessed with the two kids I already have.
I know my 3rd baby is waiting for me as much as I am waiting and when the time is appropriate, we will meet.....I just hope that time is sooner rather than later...
Besides all this was simply based on otehr people getting me all riled up into thinking I was, when I knew better. I am not planning any children right now, so unless God has bigger plans for me. I will wait a while until I try myself

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3,11

Another day, another negative test.
I am now 3 days late which is SO unlike me. I am 27 day cycle reliable. Every once and a while I may have a 26 day cycle, but anything above 28 days just doesn't happen. Well it has before...and the reason is my son and my daughter. But I have never gotten a neg test while being pregnant either, so who knows what's up. Guess my body wants to be harsh and give me a crazy cycle. They do that from time to time. I'm about to load the pic and maybe even tweak it for shits and giggles.
Since we aren't exactly trying to get pregnant, I'm not sure why I feel kinda let down at these BFNs. Guess I just want this more than I realized. Then again, I think that's pretty obvious huh?

ok, so I have been playing around trying to tweak this, and am getting nothing. A pretty strong BFN, in my opinion.


July 2, 11 : BFN...I think

So today I didn't take a pic because I simply forgot to. BUT I took the 2nd of the 3 test my friend sent me and only half the control line popped up..HUH? Soooo either dud test (again) or I am so NOT pregnant that even the control line didn't work, ahahaha.... more tomorrow!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 1, 11 BFN

My good friend decided she was going to send me 3 HPTs. I don't know if she convinced herself I was pregnant or if she just wanted someone to join her as an expecting again mommy. Well, I received these test in the mail today. I had already gone pee a couple times so I would have to wait until tomorrow right? Well NO, haha. As a true POASaholic (that's pee on a stick btw) I had to try NOW. Of course it was negative.
Actually I consider this one kinda humorous. I had never had to pee in a cup and dip a strip before. Well I sat it in the cup and started daydreaming. Next thing I know, the control line is blaring me in the face and it's STILL IN THE URINE, hahahahaah oh my goodness. So I lay it down and it's still neg and after soaking it still didn't pick up any hCG hhahahaha (hCG is the hormone only pregnant people can produce which makes a false positive test next to impossible) So yeah, I'm not pregnant...but I will pee on another one if AF isn't here yet in the morning. (today is cycle day 28 and I'm a 27-28dayer, so where is she anyway???)
Oh and because it's fun, I "tweaked the test". This is where you take a pic and use editing software to see if you can find a hidden pink line. All I see is the clearer than clear indent line of where the pink WOULD be had I actually was pregnant.
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