Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sept 29,11 (head to toe physical+ HB scare)

So, if you are a reader here, you will know that my last Pap was traumatizing. I feared this trip because of having to get another Pap.
I went in, did BP (not sure) and weight check. I have gained 1 lb thus far, lol. Not bad for nearly 13weeks I think. Next came the dreaded words "Undress and the dr will be in" UGH
As soon as my doctor walked in the room I panicked. My throat closed and I couldn't speak, I only nodded at his questions. I have NEVER had that happen and it sucked. He offered me a Zanax, lol.
He did my exam and it was the way it should be. OMG, he is amazing. Yes it was pressure, and it was uncomfortable, slightly painful I guess too, but holy crap it was over so fast I barely had time to care in was in my personal bubble! THAT is how a pap should be performed in my opinion. He is amazing, no other way to describe it. I told him he has to always do my paps and he smiled and said "ok, not a problem"
Then he tried to listen to Peep's Heartbeat, but couldn't find it. He was concerned because at this stage in the pregnancy, the HB should be simple to find. He had me go to the U/S room to try and find it. Baby popped on the screen, but was only slightly squirming. He located the Heart and watched the beating for a few seconds. Then told me "Ok, see you in about 4 weeks" I was scared. Why couldn't I hear it? Why didn't he tell me BPM? (I asked and he said he wasn't very familiar with the u/s machine, but he saw the HB) I was still unnerved. I made my next appointments (checkup and anatomy scan) but kept my uneasy feelings.
SO the upside was my PAP was what a PAP experience should be, but the downside was panic over a HB and I still left the office feeling uneasy. Now I have to wait 4 weeks until I get to hear it for myself. HUGE sad face

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